Here is an exclusive interview with Steve Eshiemogie, a First-Class Chemical Engineering graduate from the University of Benin, with a graduating CGPA of 4.79/5.0.
Steve Eshiemogie |
As an Undergraduate student, Steve co-authored several scientific papers, and has published some of his articles with top publishing giants like Elsevier and Springer Nature group. In 2021, Steve was recognized by the prestigious Lancaster University, United Kingdom, for his contribution towards providing sustainable bioenergy solutions to rural communities in Nigeria. Earlier, in late 2020, Steve won the LEAP Africa's Youth Leadership Program change project competition, for his work on bioenergy generation from organic waste.
Steve is the founder of Green Africa Initiative, a non-profit organization, focused on educating young Nigerians on waste-to-energy solutions.
Here is our interview with Steve Oshiokhai Eshiemogie.
How do you feel to have graduated with a First-Class in Chemical Engineering?
I feel good to have graduated with First-Class Honors. While in school, graduating with a first class was not actually my priority, I was more focused on gaining fundamental knowledge and carrying out scientific research. I am a naturally brilliant person, so getting good grades was relatively easy for me.
What was your reading schedule like?
Well, I am a day-time reader. Back in school, I rarely ever studied at night. My reading plan was pretty simple. After classes, I used to go to the library to study for about 3, then I would wrap-it-up for the day and go to the laboratory or go back home. That was my regular cycle. I was however, not absolutely consistent with going to the library. But that was typically my reading schedule.
Were you always on a First-Class?
No, I wasn't. In fact, I was not on a First-Class throughout my 100 Level. I think I had a 4.18/5.0 in my first semester of 100 Level, and a 4.3 in my second semester. While in 100 Level, I was very grade-conscious, to be honest. I was a freshman and I studied very hard to get good grades, sadly it did not work out as planned. By 200 Level, I stopped studying for grades. That was the level I developed genuine interest in acquiring knowledge for the sake of becoming knowledgeable in my field. In 200 level, I was so obsessed with engineering. I remember I used to study a particular civil engineering course on beams and structures. On my way home from the library after studying the course, I would always stop by at buildings under construction, then I would begin analyzing the forces and trusses on the roofing beams and pillars. It was very interesting. In my 200 Level, I had a 4.92/5.0, and ever since then, my results never dropped below a first class. My highest CGPA was in 400 Level, with a 4.96/5.0.
How was undergraduate life for you?
My undergraduate life was actually centered on research. I love research, I love spending my time in the laboratory, conducting and monitoring experiments. During my last years of undergraduate study, I spent almost all of my time at the Ecotoxicology Laboratory, University of Benin. I was working on a project that was focused on the sustainable conversion of bio-waste materials into bioenergy. In the course of the project, I worked with various PhD students, doctors and professors. So yes, my undergraduate life was mostly focused on research. In my final year, I authored 2 scholarly papers, with one currently published in Elsevier's Cleaner Engineering and Technology Journal. That was my first first-author paper. I also have a paper published by Springer Nature group.
You were once recognized by Lancaster University, United Kingdom. Tell us about it.
Yes. In my final year, I worked as an undergraduate research fellow on a project funded by Lancaster University. My project supervisor was the one that brought me in on the project. In the course of the project , I gained technical expertise on biofuels production from domestic bio-waste materials. So, with the knowledge I acquired on bioenergy production, I entered into a competition organized by LEAP Africa. The competition was a national one, and it involved students from various universities in Nigeria, forming groups and organizing community change projects. For the competition, I set up a team of fellow budding engineers, and named the team - "Greenergy". We designed and constructed mini anaerobic bio-digester plants that converted food waste into biogas, and we distributed this equipment to rural villages in Benin-city, Edo state. My team came out first position in the competition, and our work was recognized by the Lancaster team, and was published on Lancaster University's students news portal, as well as Lancaster University's Recirculate Blog.
What's your plan after graduation?
I intend obtaining a Doctorate degree (PhD) in Chemical or Biochemical engineering, in a world-class engineering University like Georgia Institute of Technology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - New York, California Institute of Technology, or Massachusetts institute of Technology, All in the United States of America. For my PhD, I want to focus on the application of biotechnology for the common purposes of life. Specifically, I want to research and develop novel ways to engineer enzymes for the production of useful materials such as chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and biofuels.
What are your long term goals?
Long-term, I will like to start-up a biotechnology firm that will be into the sustainable production of biochemicals, pharmaceuticals and biofuels. Also, as one passionate about youth development and leadership, it is my desire to give back to my local community, by establishing state-of-the-art schools, where young students in Nigeria will be able to get access to world-class education.
Greenergy Team (Steve Eshiemogie, Middle) |
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